If you are curious about more Seppe Nobels, you can already visit La Chapelle (in anthisnes) today. On Saturdays, Seppe sometimes gives guided tours, genuine food tours, in which he explains the principles of his sustainable cuisine to guests. This ranges from harvesting honey to visiting local organic farmers and picking wild plants in the forests around the castle.
Seppe is convinced that not only foodies, but also ordinary guests want to see the chef not only in his kitchen, but also want to share experiences with him. That is why he wants to take the principle of food tours much further. He will regularly go harvesting with guests, and wild picking. In short: he wants to show people how the ingredients he uses in his dishes are grown, cultivated or caught.
And Seppe does not only want to do that in his own country. His collaboration with Hotel Santa Clara 1728 in Lisbon has introduced him to the Portuguese culinary heritage. The cuisine, ingredients and wines of Portugal have inspired Seppe to design a four-day food tour in the Lisbon area.
Anyone interested in these food tours can contact him via this site.