Seppe's books
Seppe Nobels has already published five cookbooks, including one for children, and a barbecue cookbook. The three cookery books in which the (vegetable) dishes from Graanmarkt 13 play the leading role have since become classics. ‘Vegetables that sparkle the conversation‘ and ‘Greens that taste like friendship‘ were praised in their own country by Knack, Standaard Magazine and De Morgen Magazine, and are even an international success. The book ‘Vegetables that sparkle the conversation’ was chosen as the best vegetable cookbook in the world at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. ‘Vegetables that sparkle the conversation’ went into second printing after only six weeks, has been translated into English and German, and is available in the better international bookstores – even at Barney’s in New York. Seppe’s most recent book, ‘Een kookboek’ (2021), was in the Non Fiction Top Three after only two weeks, has been translated into French, and is already selling in five countries. At the end of 2021, Seppe is awarded ‘Het Gouden Kookboek‘, the most prestigious culinary-literary prize in the Dutch language area. As the first Belgian ever!